• jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1
  • 3724

AFSTUDEERSCRIPTIE: Masters program Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health and Life Sciences. Towards an integrated Immunology care chain. A study to optimize diagnosis and treatment of patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases. VU University, student Stephy Christiaanse (2091895). Supervision Dr. W. Brandsma, PhD, Department Athena Institute for Research, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences VU University. External sup...

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie
  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1
  • 4107

AFSTUDEERSCRIPTIE: Master Thesis Supply Chain Management, Tilburg University. Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Department of Organization and Strategy. The referral process from the GP to the clinical pathway immunology. By Marlon van den Aker (ANR 209388) and supervised by Dr. Ir. B.R. Meijboom. Organization supervision by: Dr. E de Vries, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis / EVAA & Ir. C. Rijksen MBA, CR-Consult / EVAA. Date: 12-06-2014.

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie
  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1
  • 2805

AFSTUDEERSCRIPTIE: Master Thesis Supply Chain Management, Tilburg University. Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Department of Organization and Strategy. Towards implementing an integrated care chain for diagnosing cow’s milk protein allergy. Stephanie Boosten (S410806), supervised by Dr. Ir. B.R. Meijboom, company supervision by Dr. E. de Vries, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis / EVAA, en Ir. C. Rijksen, MBA, CR-Consult / EVAA. Date: 21-06-20...

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie
  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1
  • 2809

POSTER: Christiaanse S, Macken Th, Pruijt JFM, van Esch J, de Vries E. Ketenbrede analyse van het Zorgpad Immunologie. Wetenschapsmiddag Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ’s-Hertogenbosch, 2014.

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie
  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1485

ARTIKEL: Schatorjé EJ, Gathmann B, van Hout RW, de Vries E; PedPAD consortium. The PedPAD study: boys predominate in the hypogammaglobulinaemia registry of the ESID online database. Clin Exp Immunol. 2014 Jun;176(3):387-93. doi: 10.1111/cei.12281. PubMed PMID: 24506305; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4008983. ABSTRACT: Hypogammaglobulinaemias are the most common primary immunodeficiency diseases. This group of diseases is very heterogeneous, and l...

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie
  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1456

ARTIKEL: Bart IY, Schabos Y, van Hout RW, Leenders AC, de Vries E. Pediatric acute Q fever mimics other common childhood illnesses. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 10;9(2):e88677. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088677. eCollection 2014. PubMed PMID: 24520412; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3919820. ABSTRACT: Knowledge of Q fever has increased over the last decades, but research has mainly focused on adults. Data in children are scarce, and current knowledge is mos...

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie
  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1491

ARTIKEL: De Vries E. Nurses can play a crucial role in the recognition of primary immune deficiency. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2013, Vol 4, No 1, 2014. ABSTRACT: Primary immunodeficiency diseases are disorders of immunological functioning leading to infections that are too frequent, too severe, and too resistant to treatment. Also, other manifestations such as unusual forms of autoimmunity and lymphoproliferation may be prese...

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie
  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1486

ARTIKEL: Driessen GJ, Dalm VA, van Hagen PM, Grashoff HA, Hartwig NG, van Rossum A, Warris A, de Vries E, Barendregt BH, Pico I, Posthumus S, van Zelm MC, van Dongen JJ, van der Burg M. Common variable immunodeficiency and idiopathic primary hypogammaglobulinemia: two different conditions within the same disease spectrum. Haematologica. 2013 Oct;98(10):1617-23. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2013.085076. Epub 2013 Jun 10. PubMed PMID: 23753020; PubMed...

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie
  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1408

ARTIKEL: Dambacher WM, de Kort EHM, Blom WM, Houben GF, de Vries E. Double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges in children with alleged cow’s milk allergy: prevention of unnecessary elimination diets and determination of eliciting doses. Nutrition Journal 2013, doi:10.1186/1475-2891-12-22;February 8. Impact factor 2.48. ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Children with cow’s milk allergy (CMA) need a cow’s milk protein (CMP) free diet to prevent alle...

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie
  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1533

ARTIKEL: Mattheij MAC, Schatorjé EJH, Gemen EFA, van de Corput L, Nooijen TGA, van der Burg M, de Vries E. A girl with autoimmune cytopenias, non-malignant lymphadenopathy, and recurrent infections. Case Reports in Immunology, 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/196417. ABSTRACT: We describe a girl, now 9 years of age, with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, persistent nonmalignant lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, recurrent infectio...

Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie

Publicaties - immunologie

Publicaties - immunologie


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Esther de Vries

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  • status: redactie
  • gestart op: jul 2014
  • 1 lid
  • 46 bijdragen