The key role of the specialised nurse increases patient satisfaction in the Jeroen Bosch Hospital Care Path for Immunodeficiency. jul 2014 POSTER: Van Esch J, Macken Th, Pruijt JFM, de Vries E. The key role of the specialised nurse increase...
Fatigue in children with primary antibody deficiency. jul 2014 POSTER: Van Jaarveld P, Gordijn S, Gemke RJB, Kaspers GJL, de Goffau A, van Esch J, de Vries E, Warri...
Bordetella holmesii meningitis in a 12-year old anorectic girl. jul 2014 ARTIKEL: Van Balen T, Nieman A-E, Hermans MHA, Schneeberger PM, de Vries E. Bordetella holmesii menin...