The key role of the specialised nurse increases patient satisfaction in the Jeroen Bosch Hospital Care Path for Immunodeficiency. jul 2014 POSTER: Van Esch J, Macken Th, Pruijt JFM, de Vries E. The key role of the specialised nurse increase...
Common variable immunodeficiency and idiopathic primary hypogammaglobulinemia: two different conditions within the same disease spectrum. jul 2014 ARTIKEL: Driessen GJ, Dalm VA, van Hagen PM, Grashoff HA, Hartwig NG, van Rossum A, Warris A, de Vrie...
Paediatric reference values for the peripheral T-cell compartment. jul 2014 ARTIKEL: Schatorjé EJH, Gemen EFA, Driessen GJA, Leuvenink J, van Hout RWNM, de Vries E. Paediatric r...