Towards an integrated Immunology care chain. A study to optimize diagnosis and treatment of patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases.

  • jul 2014
  • Esther de Vries
  • 1
  • 3725
Esther de Vries
Publicaties - immunologie


Masters program Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health and Life Sciences. Towards an integrated Immunology care chain. A study to optimize diagnosis and treatment of patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases. VU University, student Stephy Christiaanse (2091895). Supervision Dr. W. Brandsma, PhD, Department Athena Institute for Research, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences VU University. External supervision Prof. dr. E. de Vries, MD, PhD, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis / EVAA. Date: June 20th, 2014.